


在往巴生的Kesas Highway上奔驰,突然一颗疑似石头的东西,敲击在我车的前方大镜上,就这样多了一个星型的裂痕。我还不知道要怎么处理,我刚刚不久才弄了防晒防爆的tint film,心痛-ing……




《Secret》、《The Law of Attraction》等众多激励书籍,都传达着类似一样的讯息——Positive Thinking,是通往成功与快乐之途的要素。Zig Ziglar 也告诉我们:“Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.


积极的心态不是与生俱来,也不是自然而然的,是需要我们不断提醒自己,刻意地去培养。任何事情都有其积极的一面,只是看我们从怎样的角度去审视。正如Winston Churchill所言:“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.
Oprah Winfrey也说过:“Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness.








看了《Twilight》,深深的沉醉在男女主角浪漫凄美的爱情故事中,深深的迷恋于男主角Edward Cullen俊美的外表,和不顾一切保护爱人的勇敢。如果说爱慕外表是一种肤浅,如果说沉溺于虚幻世界是一种肤浅,那么就让我肤浅这么一次吧。

没有双鱼座的温柔,却继承了双鱼的喜欢幻想,不切实际。有时我甚至觉得自己不适合看戏。无论是恐怖骇人的《I am Legend》,浪漫唯美的《Twilight》,描画现实勾心斗角的《珠光宝气》,总让我入戏太深,无法自拔……



Thanks to Brian Tracy!!

I'm so glad that I attended Brian Tracy's seminar. Thanks to Raymond for the kind offer, or else I would have missed the splendid talk and more importantly, the turning point of my life.

No doubt Brian Tracy is a superb speaker and motivator. By listening to him, your dreams soared and your desire for success burnt like roaring furnace. We've always heard of the phrase "No pain, no gain", and there is also a Chinese proverb saying “吃得苦中苦,方为人上人”, but from Brian Tracy, you will learn that you can be joyous in your pursuit of success, simply by tuning your self-dialogue to a more positive mode.

Great speakers might not be great practitioners. But Brian Tracy excelled in both. He started off his life with few advantages. He began working to support his family since he was ten, and he left high school without graduating and worked at laboring jobs for several years. But he is now a successful businessman and one of the top professional speakers in the world. He has consulted for more than 1,000 companies and addressed more than 4,000,000 people in 4,000 talks and seminars throughout the US, Canada and 40 other countries worldwide.

To learn more about this great man, you can access to his website: http://www.briantracy.com/. You can even get a free e-book entitled "Million Dollar Habits" by signing up for any of his free Newsletters. I just bought one of his best-sellers, "The Psychology of Selling". It is great!

I have been passive and lost of direction for about a year, until his speech changed my thinking and mentality, and then my life. Thousand thanks to Brian Tracy!