
Thanks to Brian Tracy!!

I'm so glad that I attended Brian Tracy's seminar. Thanks to Raymond for the kind offer, or else I would have missed the splendid talk and more importantly, the turning point of my life.

No doubt Brian Tracy is a superb speaker and motivator. By listening to him, your dreams soared and your desire for success burnt like roaring furnace. We've always heard of the phrase "No pain, no gain", and there is also a Chinese proverb saying “吃得苦中苦,方为人上人”, but from Brian Tracy, you will learn that you can be joyous in your pursuit of success, simply by tuning your self-dialogue to a more positive mode.

Great speakers might not be great practitioners. But Brian Tracy excelled in both. He started off his life with few advantages. He began working to support his family since he was ten, and he left high school without graduating and worked at laboring jobs for several years. But he is now a successful businessman and one of the top professional speakers in the world. He has consulted for more than 1,000 companies and addressed more than 4,000,000 people in 4,000 talks and seminars throughout the US, Canada and 40 other countries worldwide.

To learn more about this great man, you can access to his website: http://www.briantracy.com/. You can even get a free e-book entitled "Million Dollar Habits" by signing up for any of his free Newsletters. I just bought one of his best-sellers, "The Psychology of Selling". It is great!

I have been passive and lost of direction for about a year, until his speech changed my thinking and mentality, and then my life. Thousand thanks to Brian Tracy!
