医生开了治throat swelling, voices, throat itchiness 的药方,每日服三次,每次一颗,和咳嗽药水。
我赶紧致电于该诊所询问,深怕会引致toxicity与副作用。所幸医生说无大碍,服多了,药效更强,更快好。虽然我也不确定是不是真的,因为我对医生开什么药方是一无所知,只知道药的功效是什么,不知其药名。但是乐观的我还是选择相信医生,毕竟有些药的therapeutic window比较宽,需要很高的dose才会导致toxicity。
P.S. 药物知多少:
1. Therapeutic Window: (or pharmaceutical window) is an index for estimation of drug dosage which can treat disease effectively while staying within the safety range. In other words, it is the dosage of a medication between the amount that gives an effect (effective dose) and the amount that gives more adverse effects than desired effects. (Defined by Wikipedia)
Some medications have narrow therapeutic window, thus you need to be very cautious about the dosage as a little increase in the dosage may lead to drug toxicity and adverse effects. While those with a wider and broader therapeutic window is more favorable. Because drug effect varies among individuals and there is more space for dosage adjustment before reaching the toxicity level. (Added by Ling Shin, that's me ^_^)
2. Drug Toxicity: The systemic effects of a drug that are related to the overall level of the medication in the bloodstream. Drug toxicity may occur with overdosage of a medication, accumulation of the drug in the body over time or the inability of the patients body to eliminate the drug. (Defined by online medical dictionary)
Basically refers to adverse effects due to amount of active agent in bloodstream exceeding the upper limit of amount which is safe to the body system. (Ling Shin)
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